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 Story: Chuck
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 Story: Chuck

The Adventures of Chuck

By: B.J. Jacobs
Before you read this read Queen Becky or else it won’t be as funny!


Chapter 1: Jurassic Chuck

Chuck was born sometime in the past and was raised by Polar Bears and then was adopted by a Praying Mantis. They left him on the street and some fat and ugly humans found him. They raised him until he was eighteen years old. Chuck went out one day and saw a Nazi. Chuck was shot. Chuck died. Poor Chuck, we miss Chuck boo hoo!

 Some neighbor kid's mother is going to read this, and will never let you play with her kid again!  I'm serious.  You will eventually get in a lot of trouble!

Chapter 2: Chuck Strikes Back

...After Chuck was shot by a Nazi a glimmering shape appeared and raised Chuck back to LIFE! Now he returns...Chuck was hungry so he went to McDonalds and ordered fettucini. Stupid Chuck they don't serve fettucini at McDonalds! Chuck discovered he had special powers that make him fart a lot! Well Chuck felt very special and went everywhere using his powers! Wow Chuck thought he made everyone happy by using his powers! Then the whole world was stinky! Russia and Europe joined together and built an underwater fort. "Stink rises" they said. But the whole world ran out of room to hold the stench and KABOOM! The world exploded! Is this the end of Chuck? Who knows, read the chapter Return of Chuck to find out!


Chapter 3: Return of Chuck

Where was Chuck? Well he was on Mars! He survived! But who knows what will happen next?...Chuck was on Mars terrorizing the Martians with his powers when Marvin Martian captured him and took him to the Queen. "Your Queenlyness, I have captured the one who has been terrorizing our planet with his evil perfume." Well what do you know the Queen is Queen Becky! Apparently when the world was destroyed she ended up on Mars too! She must have been raised from the dead too! Anyway the moment they saw each other they were in love! So Chuck and the Queen were married and Chuck became the King of Mars! He led raids on other planets and the movie Mars Attacks! was made. Queen Becky loved the music her new husband could make without an instrument! Although the Martians didn't they were made  to suffer for the rest of their lives! THE END (or is it)?


Chapter 4: Chuck the Special Edition

...Was it the end? I think not! Well here's what happened next... While Chuck was on Mars a satellite discovered that Mars wasn't a planet it was DUSTIN! and they were living in his buttcrack! This surprised everyone because they had been in what they thought was the largest crater in the universe! OH NO! What about those poor people who explored the twin green caves a the top of the planet! EWW! Well Queen Becky ordered that the planet be evacuated. Just then a flood of yellow water covered the surface and brown logs floated everywhere! Half of the people drowned and the other half suffocated. Chuck flew off in a rocket ship to some planet that hasn't been discovered yet. Queen Becky and all the Martians were killed. That is why the surface is red! In the next chapter we keep up with Chuck and his stroll through the cosmos!


Chapter 5: Chuck Trek

...We last left Chuck on a rocket going to some undiscovered planet...Chuck landed on the planet and was put in prison because apparently the aliens knew of his powers. " Hello strange visitor with evil powers! You are to be killed by your own power!" So they put him in an air tight room and when Chuck used his powers (although unwillingly) and the room filled up with some stench. Quickly Chuck learned to control his power and then they let him go. They gave him some strange alien food and he lost his powers! "You little freaks! You tricked me!" and Chuck with the last bit of his powers blew a big one! POW!!!!!! the people suffocated! Chuck now owned a planet and got to live in the king's palace! Chuck had all the gold and money he ever wanted and was rich for the rest of his life, maybe or does something happen to him read King Chuck to find out.


Chapter 6: King Chuck

...Chuck, king of a planet? Forever? Who knows... Chuck heard a noise outside, it was an alien and it wasn't from this planet! "AGHAFAY BARLOGAY CATCCAY BUGGGOOAY!" it said. "OUYAY REAAY EIRDWAY!" said Chuck (in Pig Latin). "AARRGGHH" screamed the alien. Then Chuck got shot by a stupid beam! It didn't harm Chuck because he already was stupid! Then Chuck ran off and got in his rocket and zoomed off. The alien chased him and shot Chuck's ship with a terd missile and his ship was blown apart. Covered in poop Chuck was taken into the enemy ship and taken to the Potty Planet. On the planet Chuck was put in prison and was going to have to marry the King! Chuck had to escape so he farted for the last time and blew up the lock and ran to an alien ship. He got in and took off. The aliens chased him for miles! What will happen to Chuck read the Chapter Runaway Chuck!


Chapter 7: Runaway Chuck

   Will Chuck be destroyed by the aliens? Read on to find out... Chuck continued flying dodging lasers and missiles. He flew into an asteroid and hid. But the asteroid wasn't really an asteroid it was a giant toilet! Chuck flew down the pipes and into the sewer system. All of a sudden a lot of pooh and pee came falling in and buried Chuck. Chuck digs his way out , but barely. Chuck sets up a camp and sleeps there for the night. Then all of a sudden Chuck heard a flushing sound. "Oh no," he said. He got in his ship (that was buried) through the tunnel he dug to get out. Then the toilet overflowed! Chuck was safe, for the moment. But what will happen next?


Chapter 8: The End of Chuck

   What will happen next, here it is...Chuck was on his way looking for a peaceful planet when the U.S.S. Enterprise captured him with a tractor beam. "I'm Captain Picard of the Enterprise you are now our prisoner," Said Captain Picard. "We will now torture you forever!" So they took Chuck to the torture deck and began to torture him. These are what they did to torture him: First they dropped a cow on him, next they painted him purple and stuck his tongue in a toaster, then they force him to read, memorize, and recite the entire encyclopedia and dictionary word for word and in the exact order that they are written, then they forced him to watch 400,000 hours of Barney and Lamb Chop reruns, they made him dress up like a woman in a string bikini, they made him ask an octopus on a date, they made him put on moldy deodorant, they gave him a quiz on cities from undiscovered planets, they dipped him in toilet water, they made him lick a walrus, they made him jump off the bridge (of the Enterprise), and made him swallow an elephant whole. After all this Chuck died. Then all the people in the universe began to celebrate! Captain Picard and the Enterprise crew were given $400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars for killing Chuck. Every one in the universe was happy and free of fart stench! Just then someone heard a quiet "toot". "NNOOOOOOOOO!" everyone screamed, "not again!" Who farted, it was Chuck son Chuck Jr.!

The End finally!

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