 Created By...
 Star Wars
 Story: Chuck
 Cool Web Sites
 Created By...

   My name is B.J. Jacobs and I live in Ohio. I’m 11 years old and I enjoy video games, computer, sports, and other things. I made this site mainly because I like to write and like to let other people see my writing and the Internet is the perfect place to put it where everyone can see it. I like to write stories and some of them will be on this site under their titles like Chuck and Queen Becky be sure to read Queen Becky First!. I like comedy, adventure, and fiction books and movies. My favorite movies are the Star Wars Trilogy. I like to build things with a hammer and nails such as houses and forts (small ones). I will try to do the best I can to keep this page cool and updated. Thank You for visiting.


I also like to ride my bike and rollerblade!

[CoolCentral] [Created By...] [Star Wars] [Nintendo] [Story: Chuck] [Cool Web Sites]