 Created By...
 Star Wars
 Story: Chuck
 Cool Web Sites
 Dark Foces Codes

WARNING: These are actual codes and work! Do not read if you don’t like Cheats. Typing a code twice disables that code.

lapostal   This code gives you full weapons and ammo.
laimlame   This code makes you invencible.
lamaxout   This code gives you all items and keys.
laredlite   This code makes all enemies freeze they don’t fall over until you type it again.
lapogo   This code allows you to walk against a wall a jump to the top!
laskip   This code allows you to skip the level that you are in.
labug   This code allows you to get super close to walls and fit through small openings.

All of these codes are real! they work try them!

[CoolCentral] [Created By...] [Star Wars] [Nintendo] [Story: Chuck] [Cool Web Sites]